Mindful Chef

Senior Front End Dev

2017 - 12 months



Mindful Chef deliver weekly food boxes containing a choice of meat, fish, and vegan ingredients sourced from small British farms.

Based in London their aim is to bring delicious, nutritious and healthy meals delivered to your door in easy to cook recipes.


1 Backend Rails Dev
1 Designer


Ruby on Rails, jQuery, native JS, erb / haml templates, SCSS, Foundation grid system.


I redesigned the entire site, marketing pages, full menu, recipe modals, onboarding and checkout flows. These involved improving UX, custom controls, simplying flows and reducing number of clicks to checkout. All these had to be responsive for mobile, tablet and desktop.

The redesign took me 6months to complete. In that time I also rebuilt their internal account pages which allow users to manage their accounts, upcoming deliveries, and general preferences.

After that redesigned I moved onto smaller updates, campaigns and rebuilding The backoffice datatables which are very client heavy. Requiring server side pagination and searching, these JS tables are a great improvement on the previous rails WICE tables

I've also built a custom style guide for their customer.io marketing email newsletters, where the marketing team can simply copy paste blocks from the style guide and build their custom Email Newsletters